Friday, November 7, 2008

Form Letter For Community Service Hours

French test, 8 Class

vocabulary test
  • have any event, the voters do not feel that the concerns and grievances of the unemployed in the future are at stake. Now more than ever believe
  • many citizens do not know that the state is aware that there will be an increase in taxes.
  • help as opposed to the political parties, the volunteers actually.
relative qui, que , ce qui, ce que , , dont use
  • Je ne sais plus .............. . j'ai voulu vou racontrer.
  • L'immeuble ............... nous avons habit n'existe plus.
  • C'est Michel ............... connaissons nous les parents. Tu peux acheter
  • ............... te plaît le mieux.
  • Les expositions ............... nous interested persons no longer exist. It is this key
  • ............... you need for the weekend?
  • Day ............... we dream of will be held in May. Students
  • any written ............... the teacher had told them.
  • Dad would not quit ............... is incredible.
  • The car ............... my friend bought me is very beautiful.
  • If you ............... (Drinking) alcohol lorries, you could still drive your car.
  • Vouzas would have been very happy if your parents ............... (Go) on vacation. If my friends
  • were still in Paris, I would ............... (Send) a postcard. We
  • ............... (Not out), had we known the weather forecast.
Adjektiv oder Adverb
  • Many English do not dress ............... (Elegant).
  • must work ............... (Hard) to earn his money. Their jackets
  • felt ............... (Schlecht).
  • is ............... (Besser) in french in history.
  • Pierre plays ............... (Schlechter) the piano as his friend.
  • This year the German teacher says ............... (Besser) grammar.
  • sint My friends always ............... (Attentive), they also run very ............... (Conservative).
oder Indicative Subjunctive
  • Speak louder so that everyone ............... (Power) you understand. Prof.
  • the impression that students ............... (Complain) forever.
  • Do you think John ............... (Come) yet?
  • Hurry up! We need ............... (Leave) before it ............... (Be) too late and I hope you ............... (Know) anyway which direction to take. We regret
  • que vous ne nous ............... (prendre) pas au sérieux.
  • Nous sommes sûrs que nous ............... (ne pas s'asseoir).
Einen Ratschlag geben
Madame Dupont dit à sa voisine: "Je ne sais pas encore ce que je dois voter dimanche prochain. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire? Qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez?"

Gib ihr fünf Ratschläge (per Sie).