Monday, December 21, 2009

Average Cost For Mandaps

guest lecture

PD. Dr. Gisela Drossbach (LMU Munich):

The timeliness of the Middle Ages in the 19th Century: Reception - acculturation -

When? 22.12.2009, 10.15-11:45 clock
Where? KH. 1020

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decay In A Back Tooth

Go Africa ... Go Germany - SCHOLARSHIP

We just suffered a mail from the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB), which makes us aware of a scholarship program:

Go Africa ... Go Germany 2010/11.

On the initiative of the Federal President Horst Köhler place next year at 4 Plays a 5-week exchange of scholars: from 14.8.-04.09.2010 in Germany, in March 2011 are you then in South Africa. The exchange behinhaltet also like disk intensive civic education.
Are you between 21 and 28 years? Have desire to participate in such an exchange and studying modern history? Then apply now later than 03/15/2010 !

More information can be found here .

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