Saturday, June 7, 2008

How To Give A Cat A Lime Sulfur Bath

chemistry test, 7 Class

chemistry test on acids and bases, pH, oxidation and reduction, and iron production by LD methods.

  • What is a Bronsted acid?
  • Calculate the pH of
    a) H 2 SO 4 c = 0.04 mol / l
    b) NaOH c = 0.003 mol / l
  • What is an indicator?
    Give two examples!
  • Formulate the equation
    a) hydrogen chloride reacts with ammonia gas
    b) of hydrogen chloride reacts with water
  • What is oxidation?
  • Formulate the response of a base with water in general and give the Bsaenkonstante K B on! As K depends
    B together with the strength of a base?
  • Determine the conjugate acid of
    a) OH -
    b) Cl -
  • What happens during sintering?
  • Give the chemical formula for carbon dioxide at!
    hot, as the salts and the chemical formula they have?
  • What is neutralization?
  • How prepared steel?
    What is the name the most important method?
  • What is an ampholyte?
    Give an example!


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