Friday, December 14, 2007

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chemistry test, 7 Class

A chemical test on atomic structure (protons, electrons and neutrons), the periodic table of elements (PES), chemical calculations and electron configuration (quantum number).

  • What is the atomic number and mass number?
    How many protons, neutrons and electrons has 14 6 C?
  • How has Dalton described the atom model?
    What is it today still? How much are
  • 19g mol CH 4?
  • Which of these gases has a higher density? H 2 (hydrogen) or Cl 2 (chlorine gas)?
  • Calculate the mass fraction of oxygen in the CaSO 4 (gypsum).
  • Elekronenkonfiguration What do K and Sr? Give in shorthand on!
  • Determine the quantum numbers for N. In cell spelling!
  • What does the Hund's rule?
  • What is the electronegativity?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

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Latin school work, 6

Lateinschularbeit für die 6. Klasse mit einem Text aus Caesars "De Bello Gallico ".

Hi (= Menapii ) ad utramque ripam fluminis agros , aedificia vicosque habebant ; sed tantae multitudinis adventu perterriti ex iis aedificiis , quae trans flumen habuerant , demigraverant , et cis Rhenum dispositis praesidiis Germanos transire prohibebant . Illi omnia experti , cum neque vi contendere propter inopiam navium neque clam transire propter custodias Menapiorum possent , reverti se in suas sedes regionesque simulaverunt et tridui viam progressi rursus reverterunt atque inscios inopinantes Menapios oppresserunt , qui de Germanorum discessu per exploratores certiores facti sine metu trans Rhenum in suos vicos remigraverant . His interfectis ( Germanis ) navibus eorum occupatis flumen transierunt .


  • The attack of the " inopinantes " recalls another episode from Caesars text. Describe it briefly!
  • Compare the two bodies and contrast the situations.
  • What purpose could Caesar pursue with this speech? What did you hear his readers so far about the Germans? What could Caesar plan now?

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biology class test, 2 Class

biology A typical test for the 2nd Class with the great theme plants and their distribution .

  1. What characteristics have the flowers of the hazelnut?
  2. What is a habitat?
  3. What is a biological community and who is involved?
  4. denominator two typical ecosystems.
  5. What is a gymnosperms ? Give you an example!
  6. What is a final community? Give you an example!
  7. What are the journals of the larch and spruce from?
  8. What is the structure of the forest floor?
  9. Describe the characteristics of a lime tree. What is the margin and the leaf shape it?
  10. Give an example of the continuous food chain of producer-consumer decomposers.
  11. Explain the concept of leaflet. Give you an example.
  12. Name four examples of monocultures.

Friday, December 7, 2007

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geography test, 2

A geography test for urban development.

  1. How is the waste disposed of in a city in poor and rich countries? Explain the differences! What facilities are
  2. it in a market town?
  3. List five characteristics of a modern city.
  4. What are the functions of the following neighborhoods?
    a) residential area
    b) Old
    c) industrial district
  5. Which city lies on two continents?
  6. List five parts of the ring road.
  7. heßt As the largest city in the Po Valley?

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biology class test, 6 Class (2)

biology test on reproductive issues , prevention and nervous system.

Test 2 (see also Biology Test, Grade 6 )
  1. What is the process bezwekt first division in meiosis?
  2. What the second division in meiosis process bezwekt?
  3. Define the concept of meiosis.
  4. body cells of people have ________ chromosomes.
  5. Meiosis takes place only in the ________ and ________.
  6. What in the Pearl-index?
  7. Why is the spiral for youth as a contraceptive is not suitable (two reasons)?
  8. What is sterilization?
  9. What Östogene / progestogens?
  10. fünktioniert Like a Schwangerschaftestest?
  11. By what signs to announce a birth?
  12. What is the afterbirth?
  13. What is the difference between hormonal and chemical contraception?
  14. place where instead of the fertilization of the egg?
  15. An embryo is divided into ________ cotyledons.
  16. What is the morula?
  17. What is gastrulation?
  18. Explain the following terms.
    a) germ
    b) embryo
    c) fetus
  19. From when a premature baby is viable? Explain!
  20. nerve cells transmit information in a nerve fiber continues to ________ Art.
    The transfer of excitation to the synapse is ________ Art
  21. What is the maximum conduction velocity? What type of conduction, this is possible?
  22. What is the Refräktärzeit?
  23. What is a transmitter substance? Give you an example!

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biology test, 6 Class

A good example of a test in the subject biology the issues ethology and behavior of animals and humans.

test (see also Biology Test, Grade 6 (2) )
  1. What behaviors are described here?
    a) train the storks to Africa
    b) circles before lying down in the dog
    c) swallowing
    d) Upright walking in toddlers
    e) preparation of an animal in a circus presentation
    f) Step-Trot-Gallop at Horse
  2. Name three congenital inappropriate behavior and give one example.
  3. A man stands before a mirror and sees himself. A bird threatened his own reflection. Explain these two behaviors.
  4. A model of a mature duck is moved in a circle. Which reaction shows a young animal? Explain this behavior.
  5. Which of these biologists as the founder of modern ethology?
    a) Helmut Pechlaner
    b) Konrad Lorenz
    c) Hans Hass
    d) Bernhard Grizimek
    e) Dian Fossey
    f) Niko Tinbergen
    g) Otto King
    h) Karl von Frisch
  6. What entwichelte practice is higher than pure human betrachtet?
  7. Nenne drei Verhaltensweisen, die mit einsichtigem Verhalten zu tun haben.
  8. Nenne die fünf Stufen einer Instinkthandlung.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

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Latin school work, 7 Class

Ein Beispiel für eine 2-stündige Latein Schularbeit zu Cicero.

Dura mihi iam Fortuna populi Romani et crudelis videbatur, quae tot annos Clodium in hanc rem publicam insultare pateretur. Polluerat stupro sanctissimas religiones, senatus gravissima decreta perfregerat, pecunia se a iudicibus palam redemerat, vexarat in tribunatu senatum, quaecumque omnium ordinum consensu pro salute rei publicae gesta resciderat, me patria expulerat, bona diripuerat, domum incenderat, liberos, coniugem meam vexarat, Cn. Pompeio nefarium bellum indixerat, magistratuum privatorumque caedis effecerat, domum mei fratris incenderat, vastarat Etruriam, multos sedibus ac fortunis eiecerat. Instabat, urgebat.
Capere eius amentiam civitas, Italia, provinciae, regna non poterant. [...] Nihil erat cuiusquam, quod quidem ille adamasset, quod non suum fore putaret. Obstabat eius cogitationibus nemo praeter Milonem.

in hanc rem publicam insultare - im Wörterbuch nachslagen!
tribunatu - Clodius hatte 59 v. Chr. das Tribunat inne
quaecumque ... gesta - Objekt im 4. Fall, gehört zusammen
Cn. Pompey - Pompey was one of the most influential men in Rome

  1. What tactics followed Cicero in his speech?
  2. donates In which sectors of society Clodius disaster?
  3. Analyze the various sections of text in detail. What rhetorical means are used here?

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physics test, 7 Class

example of a physics test on the issues temperature , engines , heat and surface tension !

Test 1

  1. What you have in inventing a temperature scale pay attention?
  2. Why is there no absolute zero of temperature?
    a) If at the absolute zero all body really tight?
    b) Why is not the absolute highest temperature?
  3. Explain the operation of the four-stroke engine using a pV diagram.
  4. formed as the sea-land wind system?
  5. What does the addition of detergent to water in terms of the surface tension?

Test 2
  1. Explain the functioning of two temperature measuring devices.
  2. Sketch and explain the experiment with H 2 gas and clay cylinders.
  3. Compare Advantages and disadvantages of the following engines
    a) 4-stroke engine
    b) 2-stroke engine
    c) rotary engine
    d) hybrid
  4. Describe the difference between oceanic and continental climate physically.
  5. What causes the impregnation of materials with respect to the surface tension?