Friday, December 7, 2007

Ikusa-otome-valkyrie-shinshou Watch Online Free

biology class test, 6 Class (2)

biology test on reproductive issues , prevention and nervous system.

Test 2 (see also Biology Test, Grade 6 )
  1. What is the process bezwekt first division in meiosis?
  2. What the second division in meiosis process bezwekt?
  3. Define the concept of meiosis.
  4. body cells of people have ________ chromosomes.
  5. Meiosis takes place only in the ________ and ________.
  6. What in the Pearl-index?
  7. Why is the spiral for youth as a contraceptive is not suitable (two reasons)?
  8. What is sterilization?
  9. What Östogene / progestogens?
  10. fünktioniert Like a Schwangerschaftestest?
  11. By what signs to announce a birth?
  12. What is the afterbirth?
  13. What is the difference between hormonal and chemical contraception?
  14. place where instead of the fertilization of the egg?
  15. An embryo is divided into ________ cotyledons.
  16. What is the morula?
  17. What is gastrulation?
  18. Explain the following terms.
    a) germ
    b) embryo
    c) fetus
  19. From when a premature baby is viable? Explain!
  20. nerve cells transmit information in a nerve fiber continues to ________ Art.
    The transfer of excitation to the synapse is ________ Art
  21. What is the maximum conduction velocity? What type of conduction, this is possible?
  22. What is the Refräktärzeit?
  23. What is a transmitter substance? Give you an example!


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