Sunday, December 21, 2008

Remington 700 Sps Varmint Vs

History Test, 3 Class

History test on the Habsburg .

  • dominated in a territorial state, a prince of a closed area, he wants it .................... unify.
    When he needs the estates?
  • What was the ancestral homeland of the Habsburgs?
    What goal they had so after the acquisition of "Austria"?
  • who tried to compete with Rudolph IV? What he therefore built or founded?
  • What motto did Frederick III. often attached? When he is grstorben?
  • Maximilian is already partly as ruler of a new era. Why?
  • Explain the concept of marriage policy in general and with the help of an example from the time of Maximilian I Charles V
  • What gave life to end his brother Ferdinand?
  • Why are there in Vienna, the "English Riding School"?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Monster Energy Distributor Locations Us

geography test, 8 Class

geography test on WTO , GATS , TRIPS , World Bank , IMF , globalization , privatization , Neoloiberalismus, Depression and China .

  • Define the contents of the two WTO agreements, GATS and TRIPS.
  • What do you know about the agendas of the World Bank?
  • What trends revealed to economic levels by globalization?
  • see what you the biggest weaknesses of the Neoliberalsismus?
  • Explain the most serious consequences of privatization, who was regarded as an inventor?
  • Why is it now in China to serious environmental violations? What are you known? What you see
  • the causes of the international financial crisis 2007/2008?
  • What is meant by the phrase "prosperity on credit", in relation to the international financial crisis?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Restaurant Halal In Buenos Aires

Latin school work, 8 Class

Latin school work to practice!

Issa est passer nequior Catulli,
Issa est purior osculo columbae,
Issa est blandior omnibus puellis,
Issa ist wertvoller als indische Edelsteine,
Issa est deliciae catella Publi.
Hanc tu, si queritur, loqui putabis;
sentit tristitiamque gaudiumque.
Collo nixa cubat capitque somnos,
ut suspiria nulla sentiantur;
et desiderio coacta ventris
gutta pallia non fefellit ulla,
sed blando pede suscitat toroque
deponi monet et rogat levari .
Castae tantus inest pudor catellae,
ignorat Venerem; nec invenimus
dignum tam tenera virum puella.
Hanc ne lux rapiat suprema Totam ,
picta tabella Publius ,
exprimit in qua tam simile videbis Issam, ut sit tam similis sibi
nec ipsa. Issam denique pone cum tabella
aut utramque putabis ueram esse, aut
utramque putabis pictam eat.

lequior - see dictionary special meaning!
deliciae Catella - dictionary, see special significance Martial
nitor - from nitor II WB, pallium Note the sex of Catella
,-i - Throw, blanket
fallo 3 - also pollute
sc Publium
levo a suscitat - lift to facilitate
dignus 3 + ablative - follow the cases
Hanc ne lux suprema rapiat Totam - simple order: Nec hanc Totam rapiat lux suprema ...
exprimit - he had mapped
tabella picta - colorful table

Symptoms Hives And Swollen Ankles

chemistry test, 8 Class

chemistry test on hydrocarbons , alkanes , alkenes , alkynes , conformational , structural isomerism , benzene (benzene) petroleum and natural gas .

  • Draw the following hydrocarbons
    3Ethyl 2Methylheptan
  • Write the equation for the combustion of heptane to
  • Explain the concept of substitution reaction and give you an example of
  • Give two structural isomers of n-heptane, and rename this
  • describe the hydration of ethylene. Which product is created it?
  • Draw Z-1 ,2-dichloroethene
  • What is the rule of Markovnikov? Explain with an example
  • Describe the structure of benzene
  • Gasoline: What is the octane number? How can it be increased?
  • How and why desulfurized fuels?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Og Mudbone Amount Of Sperm

Christmas Brunch

again this year the FSI history of their traditional Christmas Brunch. The next Monday, 15:12 ., You can you can move between 10.00 bis 14.00 clock of cakes, mulled wine and other hot drinks in the university in the Christmas spirit. The whole thing takes place in the staircase area of the third Stocks the Koch Strasse 4 instead.

All FSI is pleased to have you here!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Form Letter For Community Service Hours

French test, 8 Class

vocabulary test
  • have any event, the voters do not feel that the concerns and grievances of the unemployed in the future are at stake. Now more than ever believe
  • many citizens do not know that the state is aware that there will be an increase in taxes.
  • help as opposed to the political parties, the volunteers actually.
relative qui, que , ce qui, ce que , , dont use
  • Je ne sais plus .............. . j'ai voulu vou racontrer.
  • L'immeuble ............... nous avons habit n'existe plus.
  • C'est Michel ............... connaissons nous les parents. Tu peux acheter
  • ............... te plaît le mieux.
  • Les expositions ............... nous interested persons no longer exist. It is this key
  • ............... you need for the weekend?
  • Day ............... we dream of will be held in May. Students
  • any written ............... the teacher had told them.
  • Dad would not quit ............... is incredible.
  • The car ............... my friend bought me is very beautiful.
  • If you ............... (Drinking) alcohol lorries, you could still drive your car.
  • Vouzas would have been very happy if your parents ............... (Go) on vacation. If my friends
  • were still in Paris, I would ............... (Send) a postcard. We
  • ............... (Not out), had we known the weather forecast.
Adjektiv oder Adverb
  • Many English do not dress ............... (Elegant).
  • must work ............... (Hard) to earn his money. Their jackets
  • felt ............... (Schlecht).
  • is ............... (Besser) in french in history.
  • Pierre plays ............... (Schlechter) the piano as his friend.
  • This year the German teacher says ............... (Besser) grammar.
  • sint My friends always ............... (Attentive), they also run very ............... (Conservative).
oder Indicative Subjunctive
  • Speak louder so that everyone ............... (Power) you understand. Prof.
  • the impression that students ............... (Complain) forever.
  • Do you think John ............... (Come) yet?
  • Hurry up! We need ............... (Leave) before it ............... (Be) too late and I hope you ............... (Know) anyway which direction to take. We regret
  • que vous ne nous ............... (prendre) pas au sérieux.
  • Nous sommes sûrs que nous ............... (ne pas s'asseoir).
Einen Ratschlag geben
Madame Dupont dit à sa voisine: "Je ne sais pas encore ce que je dois voter dimanche prochain. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire? Qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez?"

Gib ihr fünf Ratschläge (per Sie).

Friday, October 31, 2008

Paper License On 21st

Latin school work, 3

Eine einfache Latein Schularbeit fur das erste Lernjahr.

Claudia cum amicis per forum ambulant, ubi discipulos scholae suae videt.
(Sie bittet) "Quis vestrum mihi et meae amicae de templo claro narrat?"
Ita pueri puellis laetis nunc multa narrant.
Tum in Thermas properant, ubi diu in aqua liberis manere licet.
Tam thermae non solum puellis, sed etiam pueris placentas.

Monday, June 9, 2008

How To Masterbate Secritly

history class test, 7 KLasse

history test on the 1 World War, the Russian revolution and the peace treaties with Austria and Germany.

  • What is the social question of the 19 Century and how it was triggered?
  • What are the causes for the outbreak of the 1st World War I contributed?
  • Which states were in the time of the first WK allied with each other and what enemies?
  • Explain the following terms
    a) trench warfare
    b) mountain warfare
  • Who were the founders of communism?
    What were the main demands?
  • What happened in Russia in 1917? Explain the situation more accurately?
  • what role the U.S. played in the 1st WK?
    Describe the Wilsons 14 points!
  • What brought the peace treaties after 1 World War II?
    found at those places instead?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How To Give A Cat A Lime Sulfur Bath

chemistry test, 7 Class

chemistry test on acids and bases, pH, oxidation and reduction, and iron production by LD methods.

  • What is a Bronsted acid?
  • Calculate the pH of
    a) H 2 SO 4 c = 0.04 mol / l
    b) NaOH c = 0.003 mol / l
  • What is an indicator?
    Give two examples!
  • Formulate the equation
    a) hydrogen chloride reacts with ammonia gas
    b) of hydrogen chloride reacts with water
  • What is oxidation?
  • Formulate the response of a base with water in general and give the Bsaenkonstante K B on! As K depends
    B together with the strength of a base?
  • Determine the conjugate acid of
    a) OH -
    b) Cl -
  • What happens during sintering?
  • Give the chemical formula for carbon dioxide at!
    hot, as the salts and the chemical formula they have?
  • What is neutralization?
  • How prepared steel?
    What is the name the most important method?
  • What is an ampholyte?
    Give an example!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How To Get A Tdsb Teacher Fired

physics test, 7 Class

physics test for the 7th Class with the subject Huygen's wave theory , interference , optics, polarization and holography.

1 Test
  • Under what conditions can cause interference?
    Explain the basis of a sketch!
  • How can the wavelength determine the light using the Michelson-Morley experiment?
    statement and sketch!
  • How to generate polarized light (4 methods)? Where will polarizing
    place in daily life?

Test 2
  • Why does it color phenomena in the reflected light from a soap film?
    Make a sketch and explain to them!
    Why do we see the so-called black spot?
  • Lead the law of refraction from the Huygen's wave theory from! Make a sketch
    declare they create and the mathematical derivation
  • What is a hologram?
    Explain by means of a sketch and the words Aufnahmeverfahren eines Hologramms!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Synonym For Slave Bracelet

Latin school work, 7 Class

Eine weitere Lateinschularbeit zum Üben!

Quis fuit, horrendos primus qui protulit enses?
quam ferus et vere ferreus ille fuit!
Tum caedes hominum generi, tum proelia nata,
tum brevior dirae mortis aperta via est.
An nihil ille miser meruit, nos ad mala nostra
vertimus, in saevas quod dedit ille feras?
Divitis hoc vitium est auri, nec bella fuerunt,
faginus adstabat cum scyphus ante dapes.
Non arces, non vallus erat, somnumque petebat
securus sparsas dux gregis inter oves.
Tunc mihi vita foret, volgi nec Tristia cooperative
arma nec corde audissem micante tubam;
Nunc ad bella trahor, et iam quis hostis forsitan
haesura in latere nostro gerit tela.

  • Work the comparison of the text out! Note both the content and the linguistic resources of the poet!
  • Who is responsible for the change?
  • Compare the place with the age of Ovid's myth!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Scale Lows 4 Sale Jervies

Blog Scavenger Hunt 2

Blogitzeljagd Heuer for the second time the blog instead (Sect) itzteljagd.
I have read about it on . There you will find participate further information about yourself.

In this treasure hunt you have 5 chips on Person, MyVideo, Erento, and sell, find and post the solution on a blog.

Here my 5 chips

There are great prices to win!
My favorite would be the Apple MacBook MB062!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Low Soft Cervix Menstruation

physics test, 6 KLasse

physics test for the 6th Classes on the friction , work force and the .

  • How does the anti Blokier system (ABS) in motor vehicles?
    Use in your statement, the terms static and dynamic friction.
  • A person goes from the ground floor to the first floor. Calculate the work that needs to apply that person.
    length of the horizontal distance: 26m
    length of the staircase: 12m height difference
    mass of the person: 80kg
    gravitational acceleration g: ~ 10ms -2
  • Two particles with the same mass collide. It is an elastic collision and the second particle is in rest at the beginning.
    point the equation for the energy and angular momentum conservation, and simplify them.
  • Explain the Hooke's Law. Give the formula, the units and sizes.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What Fruit Can Get Rid Of Phlem

history test, 7 Class

A typical history test for Congress of Vienna , 48er Revolution , nationalism , liberalism , socialism , communism , Karl Marx and union movement .

  • What effect did the Congress of Vienna in Austria?
    What problem are born with the Prussians?
  • Explain the concepts of state and cultural nation.
  • Name three recognized minorities in Austria. What
  • consistent results are due to the 48er revolution?
  • Austria was instructed during the '48 revolution on the help of the Russians. Where and why?
  • Why was the year 1859 for the Austrian significant?
    Who was then the Prime Minister of Sardinia-Pieont?
  • Name three important demands of liberalism. What
  • was the liberal era in Austria finishes?
  • Explain the history Karl Marx.
  • Which entrepreneur in the UK was a pioneer of today's unions?
    What he did for the welfare of workers?
  • Name two main demands of the unions.