Friday, October 16, 2009

Eight Ball Jacket Blog

ancient history (not recessed)

fall 2009
  1. The king in Rome: Explain source of problems and historical development!
  2. rename the main areas of conflict in the struggle between emperors and senators in the first Century BC and AD explain Before this background, which meant the title of "Optimus Princeps" Trajan for Kaiser!
  3. Explain the development of the Athenian state from Solon to Cleisthenes! The Ptolemaic
  4. : Describe the historical development and work out key features!
spring 2009
  1. Describe the constitution of Sparta in the Archaic period!
  2. The Diadochi and the fight for Alexander's heritage
  3. The reform attempts of the two Gracchi.
    What are the motives? Why and to whom they failed?
  4. The Flavian
fall 2008
  1. Describe what role has the Emperor Constantine played in the establishment of Christianity!
  2. Augustus and the establishment of the principate
  3. Philip II of Macedon and the rise to 336 BC
  4. The Great Greek colonization
    Explain the causes and course of the colonization movement and the form which took a colony usually grounds!
spring 2008
  1. Explain conditions and during the development of the Greek polis!
  2. Describe the most important institutions of Athenian democracy!
  3. The Constitution of the Roman Republic
  4. Diocletian and the first tetrarchy (284-305 AD)
    internal reform and external developments.
fall 2007
  1. Describe the course of the Persian wars and their impact on Greek history!
  2. The Hellenistic States World 281-168 BC
  3. Marius and Sulla
  4. out what the ruler of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty (Augustus - Nero) to secure its successor?
spring 2007
  1. The tyranny in the Hellenic space of 6 to the 4. Century: continuities and differences
  2. Greece 404-338 BC
  3. The consequences of the second Punic war to the Mediterranean world
  4. The rule of the Constantinian dynasty (306-363 AD)
autumn 2006
  1. What have helped Solon and Cleisthenes to the emergence of democracy in Athens? Compare the work of both statesmen!
  2. Write a short "Cultural History of Hellenism"!
  3. Rome and Carthage (264-201 BC)
  4. The administration of the Roman Empire under the Principate
spring 2006
  1. Greece in the age of Pentekontaëtie
  2. The structure of the Ptolemaic Empire in the 3rd -1. Century BC
  3. The emergence of a world empire. Sketch the genesis of the Roman Empire!
  4. Describe the process of institutionalization and consolidation of the early Principate!
fall 2005
  1. The Felszug of Xerxes against Greece (480-479 BC)
  2. demise of the Hellenistic empires
  3. Was the Roman Republic a democracy? Describe and discuss the republican constitution!
  4. Reform of the Roman Empire under Diocletian (284-305)
spring 2005
  1. The Greek colonization (8th to 6th century): causes, course and results
  2. The rise of Macedon under King Philip II Requirements - Changes - Results
  3. Rome inroads into the Greek East: Outline the historical development and discuss the Roman expansion efforts!
  4. The Christianization of the Roman Empire (Constantine the Great to Justinian)
Fall 2004
  1. Solon, Cleisthenes, Pericles. Origin and nature of the Greek democracy
  2. The battle for supremacy in Greece and the Aegean Sea area 500-386 BC
  3. described the tension between Rome and Carthage in the 3rd and 2 Century BC!
  4. Roman frontier and foreign policy of the Flavian to the Severern
spring 2004
  1. role in the Persian Wars Athens
  2. The late empire of Achaemenian and Alexander the Great (ca. 400-330 v. BC)
  3. The Constitution of the classical Roman republic
  4. The collapse of the Roman Rule on the Rhine and Danube


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