The FSI history of the Humboldt University in Berlin us via email about the ISHA that International Students Of History Association informed. On the home page the ISHA can register for Facebook and StudiVZ, there are relevant groups. The only really active is on Facebook. Accordingly, the communication has shifted from the Forum on Facebook.
ISHA is a completely student-managed, independent, international network of students of the history of science and related fields, which is divided into separate sections in unexpected different cities in Europe (currently in Berlin, Utrecht, Pisa, Zagreb, Helsinki, Zurich, Salzburg, Galway, Malta, etc.). aim of the organization, both the academic and cultural exchanges between students of the same disciplines is to promote national boundaries and expand horizons . It can make the academic and private contacts and you get a chance to peek into the academic practices of other countries.
The sections alternately organize international seminars (3-5 days, 3 x annually) and conferences (5-7 days, 1 x annually) for students. Here are held in four thematic workshops, to submit to a common theme of the seminar / conference in internationally-mixed composition of presentations and discussions take place - but also sightseeing, day trips to the environment and celebrations are to the ISHA events.
Participation in seminars / conferences usually costs about 60-90 € (with accommodation undVollverpflegung) so that ISHA is also a wonderful way to travel cheap.
The next event is the Annual Conference 2010 in Helsinki , of 5-10. April. about "integration throughout History" . All necessary information to find her in time to
more about the ISHA and the possibility of a Section's founding can be found on the homepage of ISHA International: .
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