Friday, February 19, 2010

How Do You Sneak An Ipod Into School

scrambled eggs from the espresso machine, a barmaid.

This was new to me. Scrambled eggs from the espresso machine. I have a nearly 20-year-old La San Marco, the most of myself was restored within a month and now have steam in abundance.

Jody Williams Steamed Scrambled Eggs - For a person

2 or 3 organic eggs
A tablespoon soft Butter
A pinch of sea salt
Parmesan and freshly ground pepper
serve a slice of toasted bread, olive oil and ham for

So eggs, salt - and I am still a little milk and parsley and down under the steam nozzle of the espresso machine ...

No 8 seconds later - less would have been better here - is the scrambled eggs ready.

And it tastes, even though I forgot the butter.

Here in the original read.


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