Thursday, February 25, 2010

How To Make A Star Wars Pinewood Derby Car

Peas and mint with "without" Espuma

a pea and mint puree. I like it anyway if it is kept in Espuma siphon. I kg would not eat of it all at once and kept for a period even when heated puree the beautiful green color. Therefore, I store it in the trap, spray it from there, a la minute in a cup of further use. Warm is it anyway, because it is in hot water bath.

The peas are blanched, chilled in ice water to be mashed in the Thermomix with olive oil, butter, salt, pepper and mint very fine. To make it suitable trap set, it is filled by me with chicken stock. If a Thermomix to hand, it may be necessary to remove the paste once again through a sieve to remove shell fragments.


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